FXhome Photokey 6 Pro

FXhome Photokey 6 Pro

Green screen photography lets your clients choose any backdrop they want, rather than being restricted by your physical backings, whether you're in your studio or at an event. The automated hot folder feature means you can concentrate on the photography while PhotoKey Pro processes each new photo without needing any manual interaction. If you want increased realism or a distinct visual style, PhotoKey’s range of advanced filters and effects have everything you need!

What's new?

Best ever keying

PhotoKey has always delivered incredible keying quality. With PhotoKey 6 we've introduced a new feature called adaptive color that makes it ever better.

One-click improvements
In many cases activating adaptive color will provide an instant improvement to edge detail, especially when dealing with hair and semi-transparent objects.
Uneven green screens
Adaptive color analyses the whole of your photo, automatically compensating for different lighting across your green screen.

Export to multiple backgrounds

Download Link FXhome Photokey 6 Pro

Reference: Extratorrents 


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