The Everything Guide to Nutrition

The Everything Guide to Nutrition: All you need to keep you - and your family - healthy

Publisher: Adams Media
Nicole Cormier
Language: English
ISBN-10: 144051030X
ASIN: B0058M58SO
320 pages
1.52 MB

Eat carbohydrates--but only if they're "good." Eat fiber--but only if it's soluble. Eat protein--but not too much. There are so many rules on the road to good nutrition, how can anyone know what to eat? With this guide, you'll find all you need to keep yourself and your family healthy, such as:

Recipes for nutritionally balanced meals that taste good
Tips for incorporating more fruits and vegetables
Which foods contain the most beneficial vitamins
How to safely transition to a vegetarian or vegan diet
Why processed foods are so bad for you--and how to stop eating them

And much, much more! With meal plans and grocery shopping guidelines, this complete guide is perfect for busy families or individuals on the go. Eating healthy is just a grocery store trip away!


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